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Event Planners Don't Have to Suck At Name Tags

Name Tag Pros • March 7, 2023

Planning a conference or event requires a lot of work and determination. The planner has a lot to do to ensure the event runs smoothly from before registration until the last chair and banner are removed. Let’s face it; there’s a lot to manage, organize, and arrange and name tags are just part of the picture. However, they are a huge part of the picture. They also need to be “perfect” for your event, trade show, or conference. That doesn’t mean you need to stress out over them; just follow a few simple guidelines to make sure your event name tags don’t suck.

How Important are Event or Conference Name Tags?

white event name tag with red box highlighting Visitor

An event planner who thinks of name badges as a simple add-on is going to miss the mark by a long shot. Name tags bring a lot to an event. For instance, being able to see someone’s name help form a quick connection and generate conversation. They are a wonderful networking tool and make the environment more friendly. 

They also say a lot about the event organizer and planner. The name tag is one of the first things that will get an attendee’s attention during the registration process. They should communicate professionalism and quality. A glance at the event name badge tells the wearers what you really think about the event and if you deem it important. Sharing your logo on conference name badges also boosts branding efforts. So, if you are an event planner and you didn’t give name badges a second thought, you might want to learn how to leverage name badge design for your company’s benefit.

Designing a Killer Conference Name Badge

Make the Attendee’s Name the Focus

You want attendees to communicate, network, and feel comfortable. Make sure the names are printed in a large enough font that they are clearly legible from a short distance. The person’s name should take up most of the space on the name badge. After all, it is a “name” badge, not a logo badge. The point is for others to be able to read the name tag. 

Include Company Information

The attendee’s company affiliation should also be a prominent feature on the badge. You want others to be able to see who their fellow attendee works for. You may want to make the company name or position in the company a slightly different color, so it’s easier to distinguish.

Skip Meaningless Information

Don’t waste precious space with information nobody needs. For example, you may choose to include a logo for your event, but you don’t need the event name on the name tag. The attendees already know where they are – they chose to be there. You don’t need to give the most prominence to your event name or company name. A recognizable full-color logo will suffice if you want to include that, but any more than that is useless.

Choose a Magnetic Backing

You want your event name tags to help encourage communication and networking amongst your guests. But that can’t happen if they don’t want to wear their name tags because the pin backings may damage their clothing. Opt for magnetic backings to help protect people’s clothes.

Hanging Name Tags

If you decide to use hanging name tags, make sure to consult with a professional. Otherwise, they will end up hanging somewhere close to the belly. This makes it difficult to read the names. Talk about awkward moments. If you prefer a hanging name tag or want to make use of the extra real estate they provide, print the names on both sides of the name badge. Or make use of the back by printing a conference map or agenda on the back. 

Need Help Designing Event Name Tags that Don’t Suck?

Let Name Tag Pros help you design great event name tags. We’ll help you put your best foot forward with a professional, high-quality conference name badge that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Call us today and tell us what you need and let us help!

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