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Is there a right way to wear a name badge? It turns out to be a rather hot topic on many fronts. Name tags are used by businesses, organizations, and events. They are useful for any setting that interacts with the public. Business name badges help businesses in many ways, including helping to build rapport and trust. Their importance is generally understood; it’s how to wear them that is the question.
It is commonly accepted that name tags should be worn on the right side of the upper body. This makes it easier and smoother during introductions. The name badge is in plain sight as you shake hands. When you reach for someone’s hand, your body turns toward their right side, and it’s easier to look toward their name tag.
However, if the name badge is on the left, you’ll have to turn toward the left to see it. This can be a little bit uncomfortable, especially if you’ve never met before. This can be particularly awkward if you don’t remember names well. When the name badge is on the right side, these types of awkward moments can be avoided. Conventional wisdom says it should be on the right in the area of the upper lapel. That way, it’s in plain sight and in the line of view of the person you are greeting.
Wearing a name badge helps your professional image. It is designed to be reassuring to others you or your employees interact with. It also helps individuals feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. Think about the “Hello, my name is…” stickers you’ve seen at events. They may tell someone’s name, but they certainly do not convey an image. Having professional name badges at events or in the workplace gives you a competitive edge and identifies the wearer and the industry. It gives you a much better chance of generating a high-quality lead, that’s for sure.
Lanyard name badges have their place too. While they cannot be displayed like other name tags, they can still be professional. They are an excellent option in settings that need added security using designs like photo id name badges. They are also beneficial for swiping cards for ease of access. They have an entirely unique function.
When you consider the many benefits of name tags and the various styles available, it can be hard to choose which type of name badge is the best choice. Firstly, remember that it’s positioned so it can be easily visible. You want others to see the name badge and identify with it in one way or another. Some prefer engraved plastic name tags, while others prefer metal name badges. Either one can provide you with a professional image that is aesthetically pleasing.
Once you decide which type of name badge is best suited for your business or event, then you’ll want to choose a backing. Traditionally, pins have been used to secure name tags to clothing. But magnetic backings are just as effective, without poking holes in clothing.
Ready to order professional name badges for your event or business? Contact us at Name Tag Pros, and let us put our decades of experience and expertise to work for you. We can help you with a design or work with what you already have. Want to include your full-color logo for an added branding boost? We have you covered. Call us today and let us know how we can help you put your best foot forward.
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